This site is inactive!

This site is no longer kept up to date. It has been superseded by the Roblox API Reference. Please update your bookmarks.

The ROBLOX API Reference is a project that aims to document ROBLOX's Lua API as thoroughly as possible.

Almost all of the pages on this site are generated from ROBLOX's "API dumps". These are files generated by the ROBLOX client, containing information about the Lua API. This project parses the API dump for each version of ROBLOX, and automatically displays human- readable information about the API's classes, class members, enums, types, and more.

This project is open source. The repository that generates this site is available here, on GitHub. You are free to fork and modify it to your heart's content.


ROBLOX is an online virtual playground and workshop — where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It's unique in that practically everything in this infinite playground is designed and constructed by individual members of the ROBLOX community.

This site is not affiliated with ROBLOX Corporation.