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Tags: notbrowsable



Returns Function
bool TweenPosition ( UDim2 endPosition, EasingDirection easingDirection = Out, EasingStyle easingStyle = Quad, float time = 1, bool override = false, Function callback = nil )
bool TweenSize ( UDim2 endSize, EasingDirection easingDirection = Out, EasingStyle easingStyle = Quad, float time = 1, bool override = false, Function callback = nil )
bool TweenSizeAndPosition ( UDim2 endSize, UDim2 endPosition, EasingDirection easingDirection = Out, EasingStyle easingStyle = Quad, float time = 1, bool override = false, Function callback = nil )


  • 1 yieldfunction inherited from Instance


Event History
InputBegan ( Instance input ) (+0.130)
InputChanged ( Instance input ) (+0.130)
InputEnded ( Instance input ) (+0.130)
MouseEnter ( int x, int y )
MouseLeave ( int x, int y )
MouseMoved ( int x, int y )
MouseWheelBackward ( int x, int y ) (+0.69)
MouseWheelForward ( int x, int y ) (+0.69)
SelectionGained ( ) (+0.207)
SelectionLost ( ) (+0.207)
TouchLongPress ( Array touchPositions, UserInputState state ) (+0.130)
TouchPan ( Array touchPositions, Vector2 totalTranslation, Vector2 velocity, UserInputState state ) (+0.130)
TouchPinch ( Array touchPositions, float scale, float velocity, UserInputState state ) (+0.130)
TouchRotate ( Array touchPositions, float rotation, float velocity, UserInputState state ) (+0.130)
TouchSwipe ( SwipeDirection swipeDirection, int numberOfTouches ) (+0.130)
TouchTap ( Array touchPositions ) (+0.130)
DragBegin ( UDim2 initialPosition )
DragStopped ( int x, int y )

Property Descriptions

float GuiObject.AbsoluteRotation

Version History:(+0.266, −0.293)

Tags: readonly

bool GuiObject.Active

Vector2 GuiObject.AnchorPoint

Version History:(+0.271)

Color3 GuiObject.BackgroundColor3

float GuiObject.BackgroundTransparency

Color3 GuiObject.BorderColor3

int GuiObject.BorderSizePixel

bool GuiObject.ClipsDescendants

Version History:(+0.48)

int GuiObject.LayoutOrder

Version History:(+0.280)

Class:GuiObject GuiObject.NextSelectionDown

Version History:(+0.197)

Class:GuiObject GuiObject.NextSelectionLeft

Version History:(+0.197)

Class:GuiObject GuiObject.NextSelectionRight

Version History:(+0.197)

Class:GuiObject GuiObject.NextSelectionUp

Version History:(+0.197)

UDim2 GuiObject.Position

float GuiObject.Rotation

Version History:(+0.131)

bool GuiObject.Selectable

Version History:(+0.201)

Class:GuiObject GuiObject.SelectionImageObject

Version History:(+0.200)

UDim2 GuiObject.Size

SizeConstraint GuiObject.SizeConstraint

bool GuiObject.SizeFromContents

Version History:(+0.293, −0.339)

float GuiObject.Transparency

Tags: hidden

bool GuiObject.Visible

int GuiObject.ZIndex

BrickColor GuiObject.BackgroundColor

Deprecated: This member is deprecated.

Tags: hidden

BrickColor GuiObject.BorderColor

Deprecated: This member is deprecated.

Tags: hidden

bool GuiObject.Draggable

Deprecated: This member is deprecated.

Function Descriptions

boolGuiObject.TweenPosition ( UDim2 endPosition, EasingDirection easingDirection = Out, EasingStyle easingStyle = Quad, float time = 1, bool override = false, Function callback = nil )

Interpolates the Position property from its current value to endPosition, for the duration of time seconds.

easingDirection indicates the timing function to be used, while easingStyle indicates the interpolation function to be used.

override indicates whether the tween will override another tween that is currently running. This only applies to functions that modify the Position.

If callback is specified, then it will be called after the tween finishes. It receives a TweenStatus enum as its only argument. If the tween successfully finished, then this will be TweenStatus.Completed. If it was overridden, then this will be TweenStatus.Canceled.

This function returns whether it was able to begin tweening. If there is another tweening function currently modifying the Position, and override is false, then this will return false. In this case, callback will not be called.

If the GuiObject is not the descendant of a DataModel, then this function will throw the following error:

Can only tween objects in the workspace

boolGuiObject.TweenSize ( UDim2 endSize, EasingDirection easingDirection = Out, EasingStyle easingStyle = Quad, float time = 1, bool override = false, Function callback = nil )

Interpolates the Size property from its current value to endSize, for the duration of time seconds.

easingDirection indicates the timing function to be used, while easingStyle indicates the interpolation function to be used.

override indicates whether the tween will override another tween that is currently running. This only applies to functions that modify the Size.

If callback is specified, then it will be called after the tween finishes. It receives a TweenStatus enum as its only argument. If the tween successfully finished, then this will be TweenStatus.Completed. If it was overridden, then this will be TweenStatus.Canceled.

This function returns whether it was able to begin tweening. If there is another tweening function currently modifying the Size, and override is false, then this will return false. In this case, callback will not be called.

If the GuiObject is not the descendant of a DataModel, then this function will throw the following error:

Can only tween objects in the workspace

boolGuiObject.TweenSizeAndPosition ( UDim2 endSize, UDim2 endPosition, EasingDirection easingDirection = Out, EasingStyle easingStyle = Quad, float time = 1, bool override = false, Function callback = nil )

Combines TweenSize and TweenPosition into a single call. This is similar to the following:

object:TweenSize(size, ...)
object:TweenPosition(position, ...)

This implies that the Size and Position are tweened independently, and so they can be overridden independently. The callback function will also be called twice, once for each tween.

The only difference is that this function will not override the Size or Position independently. That is, if one fails to be overridden, then both will fail.

Event Descriptions

GuiObject.InputBegan ( Instance input )

Version History:(+0.130)

GuiObject.InputChanged ( Instance input )

Version History:(+0.130)

GuiObject.InputEnded ( Instance input )

Version History:(+0.130)

GuiObject.MouseEnter ( int x, int y )

GuiObject.MouseLeave ( int x, int y )

GuiObject.MouseMoved ( int x, int y )

GuiObject.MouseWheelBackward ( int x, int y )

Version History:(+0.69)

GuiObject.MouseWheelForward ( int x, int y )

Version History:(+0.69)

GuiObject.SelectionGained ( )

Version History:(+0.207)

GuiObject.SelectionLost ( )

Version History:(+0.207)

GuiObject.TouchLongPress ( Array touchPositions, UserInputState state )

Version History:(+0.130)

GuiObject.TouchPan ( Array touchPositions, Vector2 totalTranslation, Vector2 velocity, UserInputState state )

Version History:(+0.130)

GuiObject.TouchPinch ( Array touchPositions, float scale, float velocity, UserInputState state )

Version History:(+0.130)

GuiObject.TouchRotate ( Array touchPositions, float rotation, float velocity, UserInputState state )

Version History:(+0.130)

GuiObject.TouchSwipe ( SwipeDirection swipeDirection, int numberOfTouches )

Version History:(+0.130)

GuiObject.TouchTap ( Array touchPositions )

Version History:(+0.130)

GuiObject.DragBegin ( UDim2 initialPosition )

Deprecated: This member is deprecated.

GuiObject.DragStopped ( int x, int y )

Deprecated: This member is deprecated.