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Tags: notCreatable





Returns YieldFunction History
string GetAsync ( string apiUrlPath, ThrottlingPriority priority = Default, HttpRequestType httpRequestType = Default, bool doNotAllowDiabolicalMode = false )
string GetAsyncFullUrl ( string apiUrl, ThrottlingPriority priority = Default, HttpRequestType httpRequestType = Default, bool doNotAllowDiabolicalMode = false ) (+0.346)
string PostAsync ( string apiUrlPath, string data, ThrottlingPriority priority = Default, HttpContentType content_type = ApplicationJson, HttpRequestType httpRequestType = Default, bool doNotAllowDiabolicalMode = false )
string PostAsyncFullUrl ( string apiUrl, string data, ThrottlingPriority priority = Default, HttpContentType content_type = ApplicationJson, HttpRequestType httpRequestType = Default, bool doNotAllowDiabolicalMode = false ) (+0.346)
string RequestAsync ( Dictionary requestOptions, ThrottlingPriority priority = Default, HttpContentType content_type = ApplicationJson, HttpRequestType httpRequestType = Default, bool doNotAllowDiabolicalMode = false ) (+0.351)
  • 1 yieldfunction inherited from Instance


YieldFunction Descriptions

stringHttpRbxApiService.GetAsync ( string apiUrlPath, ThrottlingPriority priority = Default, HttpRequestType httpRequestType = Default, bool doNotAllowDiabolicalMode = false )

Tags: RobloxScriptSecurity

stringHttpRbxApiService.GetAsyncFullUrl ( string apiUrl, ThrottlingPriority priority = Default, HttpRequestType httpRequestType = Default, bool doNotAllowDiabolicalMode = false )

Version History:(+0.346)

Tags: RobloxScriptSecurity

stringHttpRbxApiService.PostAsync ( string apiUrlPath, string data, ThrottlingPriority priority = Default, HttpContentType content_type = ApplicationJson, HttpRequestType httpRequestType = Default, bool doNotAllowDiabolicalMode = false )

Tags: RobloxScriptSecurity

stringHttpRbxApiService.PostAsyncFullUrl ( string apiUrl, string data, ThrottlingPriority priority = Default, HttpContentType content_type = ApplicationJson, HttpRequestType httpRequestType = Default, bool doNotAllowDiabolicalMode = false )

Version History:(+0.346)

Tags: RobloxScriptSecurity

stringHttpRbxApiService.RequestAsync ( Dictionary requestOptions, ThrottlingPriority priority = Default, HttpContentType content_type = ApplicationJson, HttpRequestType httpRequestType = Default, bool doNotAllowDiabolicalMode = false )

Version History:(+0.351)

Tags: RobloxScriptSecurity
